Understanding the Importance of the HOA Annual Meeting

Understanding the Importance of the HOA Annual Meeting

The Foundation for Community Association Research (FCAR) reported that 74.2 million people lived in communities with HOAs in 2021.

An HOA is a homeowner's association, which is an entity that manages a community of homes. If you live in a community with an HOA, you'll pay monthly dues to the association.

You'll also have some say in how the HOA operates. You can attend the HOA meetings to voice your opinions and concerns. One important meeting to attend each year is the HOA annual meeting.

Continue reading to learn about HOA annual meetings and what happens during them.

An HOA Annual Meeting Follows Governing Documents

HOAs must follow all HOA rules in Maryland. The rules outline many topics, including information about annual meetings.

You can learn more about the annual meetings by reading your HOA bylaws and HOA governing documents. These documents state the protocol for all the meetings that occur.

Annual meetings take place yearly. Most HOAs also host other meetings throughout the year.

The governing documents state the meeting attendee's guidelines, items of discussion, and how voting works.

Issues Discussed at Annual HOA Meetings

An annual HOA meeting operates with a meeting agenda. Here are some of the likely topics you'll discuss during the meeting:

  • Budget: You can expect to discuss the entity's current and future budget.
  • HOA board elections: An annual meeting might include voting on HOA board members. You may have the option of running for a board position if interested.
  • Major projects: Annual meetings offer a chance to discuss long-term or major projects the community needs.
  • Contractors and services needed: An HOA hires contractors for work, such as lawn care services.
  • Resident concerns: HOA annual meetings provide a platform for the residents to discuss problems or concerns they have.

The agenda states the items you'll discuss and the order in which they happen.

Why You Should Attend and How to Prepare for It

Attending the HOA annual meeting is your right as a member of the HOA. When you attend these meetings, you can:

  • Vote on issues
  • Voice your concerns
  • Offer your opinions
  • Help make important decisions

Most HOA meetings have quorum requirements. This means that a certain percentage of HOA members must attend the meeting to conduct business. Your attendance matters for this purpose too.

The best way to prepare for the meetings is by writing down things you want to discuss. Additionally, mark your calendar when you find out the date and time to avoid missing the meeting.

Learn More About HOA Management

As a resident of an HOA, you can attend your HOA annual meeting each year. After all, you belong to the HOA and should have some say in what happens in your community.

One topic you might discuss at the annual meeting is hiring an HOA management firm in Jessup, MD. This process begins with finding a great HOA management firm in this area.

Ready to learn more about HOA management services? PMI Village Alliance can help, so call us today at (301) 965-0424.
